Puzzle night 2024

Evan Posey

AHS will be introducing a new event for students to get together for some friendly competition. Puzzle night will be held on Tuesday, March 26th, starting at 7:30. It will hopefully excite and invite different students to participate. The event was organized by Macy Knapp, along with the help of the Student Senate.

There is a twenty dollar fee to enter your team for that night. Students can enter up to four people for their team in the competition. They will be competing against teams to see who can finish their 500 piece puzzle first. There will be prizes for the best dressed team as well as the overall winning and runner-up teams. Abby Brooks stated, “I am very excited to puzzle the night away!”

Sign up with Mrs. Spear as soon as possible as there are only 10 team spots available. The competition will be held at 7:30 that night in the AHS commons.