NHS 2024

It’s time for National Honors Society at Algona High School! Mrs. Spear and Mrs. Cassens, advisors of NHS, held a meeting for all applying to learn all of the requirements. In order to be considered for application, students had to attend one of the meetings on January 25th or the 29th during TAS. 

To be accepted into National Honor Society, juniors or seniors must meet the four pillars of the society: leadership, academics, service, and character. The requirements to be inducted into National Honor Society are a 3.5 cumulative grade point average or better, two letters of recommendation, 30+ hours of community service, and a finished application packet. The application packets were due February 7th. From there, a five person faculty panel reviews applications and selects members to be inducted.

Students who applied will find out if they got accepted on the week of February 19th. Junior, Josie Jennings, says, “NHS means making a difference in a group worldwide.”

The ceremony will be held on March 12th, in conjunction with the Academic Night of Excellence. Good luck to all who applied.